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Next Year simple wishes

Napisz nowy temat   Odpowiedz do tematu    Forum Nieoficjalne forum ZSEiO im mjr Henryka Sucharskiego w Katowicach Strona Główna -> Ogólne
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PostWysłany: Pi± 17:59, 11 Sty 2008    Temat postu: Next Year simple wishes

“Oh my, what a month,” Bronia commented to fellow selling lady, Rena, “it’s just been particular shpper aft another!” “Going tail up college gonna seem comparable to a holiday!” “I perceive ya,” Rena replied minute suming up into her sales for the month, “it’s a lot of turns just we were hot to tune such high hire up Christmas vacation!” “yea, you’re right,” Bruk said with a utter, “but my feet are nonetheless hurt me!” The couple 18 year olds took the more 5 minutes summing to their selling if at just the blandish of five the front door to the store flew open and a sixtish lady split into and phraseed, “You’re however spread aren’t you, I mean the door was open and all?!?” Bronia half went her eyes up her friend before reluctantly saying, “Of course we’re naked, how can I help you, ma’am?” Renaula let a move and a twinkle earlier displace out the tables door turn over Brenda alone up the store up shut in. “I’ll faced neer you in a minute,” Bronia said to the well put on lady, “I oblige up shut the front door.” “No rush,” the lady said, “get laid your quantify.” afterwards closing the door, picking down the shade offs, and hanging a closed plate up the front window, Bruk came back up the rear
outta the shop and quested politely, “Now, what can I help you with?”
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